Three Rod Wale

Three Rod Wale

Basket Weaving Techniques : Three Rod Wale Three Rod Wale Waling is worked on the same principle as pairing, and is always begun with tops. It should always finish with the tops also, as to finish with butts would be likely to leave an unsightly gap. To begin a wale...


Basket Weaving Techniques : Slewing Slewing Slewing consists of working two or more rods together one above the other, before and behind alternate stakes. Slewing is worked continuously round and round the sides of basket, and an odd number of stakes is necessary. Two...


Basket Weaving Techniques : Pairing Pairing Pairing is used mainly in round and oval bottoms. It is not suitable for siding, but it is sometimes used in place of a top wale. Pairing is carried out by taking the left-hand rod of the two over the other, behind the...
Randing and French Randing

Randing and French Randing

Basket Weaving Techniques : Randing & French Randing Randing Randing is begun by laying the butt of a randing-rod between two stakes so that it rests against the left hand one on the inside, about half-an-inch being left to be cut off later. The left thumb is now...